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How to Promote Hearing Loops

Why Promote Hearing Loops

It just feels good!

Although hearing loop usage is on the increase, Many who could benefit still do not have regular access to adequate assertive listening facilities. By taking some simple steps to raise awareness and promote the benefits of Hearing Loops, individuals and community groups can be a powerful force for change.

Be Positive

If you are a hearing aid user and experience difficulty hearing in a particular situation, raise the issue with those responsible. The Americans with Disabilities Act requires all public venues to provide assertive listening devices to individuals with hearing loss. Most businesses and places of worship would be grateful to know that they are losing potential customers or excluding members due to accessibility issues.

If you attend a looped venue and find the loop is not working properly or has not been switched on, let the management know. If you attend a venue with a working hearing loop that is not adequately announced ask those responsible to put up clear signage.

Word of Mouth

Word of mouth advocacy is one of the best ways to promote Hearing loops. So if you have benefited from a loop, let others know about it.


Associate yourself with groups that are advocates of Hearing loops such as HearingLoop.org or Hearing loss association of America or any local or grass roots organization that supports Hearing loss and Hearing loops. Promoting Hearing Loops is a fun and rewarding activity.

How Can We Help

Hearing Now USA supports anyone who chooses to be an advocate of Hearing Loops. Through our Partner program we will install a demo hearing loop at any venue. We will supply you with literature, advocacy cards, and signage. Invite you to new looping installations in your area, and support you in your local area with our expertise in Hearing Assist Products.

For more information or to arrange for a demonstration call us at 855.566.7669  (855 loop now) or email [email protected]