Information for Audiologists
Promoting Hearing Loops to Clients
Audiologists have a key role to play in promoting hearing loop awareness, particularly among new hearing aid users who, in most cases, are unfamiliar with the hearing loop technology and it’s benefits. With size being an important consideration for many clients, space inside hearing aids is at a premium and some of the smallest devices do not come equipped with a telecoil. The subject of Hearing Loops therefore needs to be raised prior to device selection so that clients can make an informed decision about which product is likely to suit them best. Additionally, clients who initially favor simplicity or small size over functionality may find their needs change over time, so it is always worth asking established hearing aid users whether they regularly attend a looped venue, or feel they may benefit from a hearing loop for their home.

Advocacy and Support
Having a loop installed in your office is a great way to demonstrate the benefits of hearing loops to your clients, and is also a useful tool for troubleshooting any problems they may be experiencing. Providing information Audiologists2brochures and advocacy cards for clients to distribute within their communities and offering on-site support to hearing aid users when a new hearing loop is switched on in your local area can do much to encourage hearing loop usage not to mention promote your business as well.

Hearing Now USA supports Audiologists who choose to be advocates of Hearing Loops. Through our Partner program we will install a hearing loop in your office at our cost. We will supply you with literature, advocacy cards, and signage. Invite you to new looping installations in your area, support your clients home looping needs and provide hearing assist products.
For more information or to arrange for a demonstration call us at 855.LOOP.NOW (855.566.7669) or email us at: [email protected]